Sunday, February 12, 2012

Snow storm means we were snowed in this morning!

Benjamin was thrilled to learn we had extra time this morning so
he could work on his valentine treats!

Nothing, not even 30+ cms of snow could stop
this hockey player from getting to the rink on time.

Carys decided to get cozy in her
warm sweater which was a Christmas
present from Nanny and Gramps.

Zachary decided to work on his
teacher's Valentine gift.

This is what poor "Summer" had to face first thing this morning!
She was not happy.

It took Mark over an hour to get the cars cleaned off and driveway
passable so that Jonah could get to hockey and then we could
get to church.

After the storm the sun came out!
Zachary made a huge fort.

Carys and her friend Hayley had
a (snow)ball outside!

Jonah and Benjamin worked together to built
their fort.

What a great storm day!

1 comment:

  1. Now there is a family that makes the most out of and enjoys the aftermath of a winter storm! Everyone looks as if they are having a good time, even poor Mark after all his snow clearing.
    Its even winter in Naples Florida to-day-- a "cold weather" warning has been in effect for the last two days( even though its sunny and 15 celsius .Nanny and Gramps
    Oh Carys--we love your sweater!
